Alma 29:9

"I know that which the Lord hath commanded me, and I glory in it. I do not glory of myself, but I glory in that which the Lord hath commanded me; yea, and this is my glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance; and this is my joy." Alma 29:9

Monday, December 14, 2015

Light > Darkness

Oh my wonderful Family and Friends here we are yet again on another
P-Day emailing each other during the Christmas Season. What better
thing could I be doing?! So happy that I get the blessing of emailing
you all weekly. I thank my God every day for you. Don't ever think I
What a week this one was! We are so happy with the people God has
prepared for us to teach! We set a baptism date with Ruby this week!
She is going to be baptized on January 2nd. That's now 10 new baptism
dates for our areas in just three weeks! I'm astonished at the
blessings God has sent our way.
This week we had one of the most memorable discussions of my mission.
We walked up to this lady outside of her house while her kids were
raking leaves. We just started up conversation with her and it
eventually led to us asking if we can share our message with her. She,
of course, said yes as she was already curious. She asked if her
husband could sit in as well. We said yes! He came and sat down and
before we began he informed us that he is a Baptist Preacher and that
he would not agree with our message... We knew it didn't start off
right because of the assumption that he would not accept our message.
We asked to pray and he said he didn't want to pray with us because we
don't believe in the same God... We then knew this could be rough. It
was very difficult. Just sharing the initial point that God is our
loving Heavenly Father already lead to a contentious attitude with
them. They began to argue with us in the nicest way possible. Their
friend suddenly showed up and sat down to listen. She began to tell us
some hurtful things. We were told we reject the Bible, Our religion is
false, the Book of Mormon came from a false prophet, we are only
following in our parent's footsteps, and that we don't accept Christ's
grace through he atonement. I'm not trying to make them sound like bad
people. They truly are great people. Very kind, unless it comes to a
religious topic. I was crushed. I was so sad that they were so
unwilling to accept this amazing message centered on our Savior, Jesus
Christ. (Now, just so you know, I don't normally cry in lessons.
Hardly ever). We had never said anything negative about what they
believe and didn't retaliate when they said those things toward us. I
just started sobbing. I've never cried like that in a lesson. I was
sobbing and bore testimony of the Book of Mormon. I know it's true
with all my heart and it was literally hurting me inside that they
would not consider that God actually does still speak and that He has,
in fact, revealed more light and truth for us. I walked away from that
knowing that I did what God would have me do. It was a testimony
builder! It ended well. We actually prayed together and they offered
to feed us sometime. Not sure if we will end up taking them up on that
offer.. Maybe if we're desperate. ;)
We got to go to Tyler, Texas this week! I was so happy! I LOVE Tyler!
We ate at the best place to eat in Tyler... Stanley's! If you don't
know what Stanley's is, it's this AMAZING BBQ place that has the
legendary sandwich - "The Mother Clucker." Now, my personal favorite
is called "The Ex-wife." Which of course I got! It was so great to be
back in Tyler! In Zone Meeting that day, we had a discussion about how
light overcomes darkness. I love the whole concept of light and truth!
The discussion we had as a zone can be (for the most part) summed up
in this scripture:
D&C 50:24
24 That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and
continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth
brighter and brighter until the perfect day.
It was so great!
We got to Athens on Friday. This weekend it has been storming like
CRAZY! There were so many flash flood warnings and so much water! It
was scary to drive in! BUT, it didn't stop us from a great weekend. It
was the Ward Christmas Party! It was so much fun! We wore our ugly
sweaters, ate tons of food, played lots of "minute to win it" games,
and got to know so many great people. The Athens Ward is truly a great
Ward. So blessed to be serving here.
The next day was church and we arrived to no electricity because of
the storms. So, for the first time in my life, we had church with no
electricity! It was so dark in the Sacrament Meeting room I could
hardly see the speakers. It wasn't just the church, though. It was the
whole city of Athens! All day, Sunday, they had nothing! The stop
lights weren't working. No houses had electricity. It was insane! It
looked like a Ghost Town! Especially in the rainy and foggy darkness.
It truly made me appreciate LIGHT so much more! ;)
Well, I hope you have a great week! Only 11 more days until Christmas
everyone! I love you all.
Elder Joshua Needles

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