Alma 29:9

"I know that which the Lord hath commanded me, and I glory in it. I do not glory of myself, but I glory in that which the Lord hath commanded me; yea, and this is my glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance; and this is my joy." Alma 29:9

Monday, April 27, 2015

A Tornado of Goodbyes!

Hello Everyone! I hope y'all had a good week. If you didn't know that Christ lives and loves you and there isn't ANYTHING he can't heal! Keep seeking Him, for there you will find peace and comfort.

I had a crazy week! I'm saying goodbye to some of my favorite missionaries I've ever served with! Elder Smith (my last companion) is going home to New Zealand! Elder Evans (my zone leader) is going home to Arizona! And my companion (Elder Harvey) is going home to Vermont! Goodbye's suck, but there is some good news that comes with this week. I'm staying in my area another transfer! I'm excited that I get to stay and serve the people in the DeSoto/Duncanville YSA area. Tomorrow I will have a new companion!

The weather has been AWFUL this week! On Thursday we had the tornado sirens go off in DeSoto! We got to our apartment as soon as we could and I was in my first tornado! It wasn't a very bad one. Well, it was bad for about 15 minutes, but it didn't last much longer than that. It was a scary/exciting experience, especially because I had never been a part of a tornado.

We got two new investigators this week! Hopefully these new investigators can progress and come closer to Christ. I'm always excited when we get new investigators!

On Sunday we were asked to teach 3rd hour of the combined youth class. We made name tags for each of them and gave them a "mini MTC experience." It was so fun to role play with the youth and to get them excited to do missionary work. They seemed to really enjoy third hour so I'd say that it was a success!

Someone stole my card information and spent all my money on my home card! Luckily I got the money back from the bank and they're trying to find out who stole the info. That was crazy!

Anyway, I'm working on 8 months and hope that all of y'all are doing well. Remember what's important - Christ and the Atonement. It's real! Have a great week!

Elder Needles

With Elder Needles permission here is the letter he wrote to his Mission President this week:

Dear President Taylor,

This week has been a crazy week with the weather, saying goodbye to missionaries that are leaving, and someone even stealing my card info and spending all my money on my home card! Nonetheless, it's been a good week full of miracles! We had someone just show up to church yesterday and we are going to start teaching her! We also have had good success with referrals that have been given to us. I'm so blessed to be able to stay in my area another transfer, and I'm excited to continue serving the people in the DeSoto ward and the Duncanville YSA branch. I've been doing everything I can with the circumstances I'm in to be a Captain Moroni missionary. In my planner next to the to do list, I put -- To Be: Captain Moroni -- I love the Lord so much and I want to serve Him and align my will with His. It's difficult and an uphill climb, but I'm coming to find how patient the Lord is with me and how much He is teaching me through this experience. Some days I just want to burst into tears because of how merciful and gracious He is, and sometimes, because of how incredible He truly is, I just want to shout hosannas from the mountain tops which unfortunately are non-existent in Texas. (: It truly is astonishing when you look at what the Lord has done for you. I understand why the prophets in the Book of Mormon took the time to engrave words like that into the plates. For some reason, the gospel has become so much more real for me since I've been on my mission. Perhaps because I'm just so immersed in it.

Thanks for everything you do! I know that you've been super busy this last week with interviews and transfers. Thank you so much for putting so much thought into transfers. It helps me realize that I'm in good hands and whatever happens is in fact inspired of the Lord. Have a good week President Taylor!

Elder Needles

Friday, April 24, 2015

Picture overload


Hello everyone!
Hope y'all had a good week!
This week went by quickly. I think my allergies are so bad that they are causing head aches! I've had a constant head ache for about 4 days now! DANG TEXAS ALLERGIES. Other than that I'm healthy and doing well.
This week we set a baptism date with one of our investigators. (Dolores) She asked me to baptize her and I'm ecstatic! Hopefully it all works out, because her father isn't too happy about it. I just pray his heart is softened so he can support her and allow her to be baptized. 
This is the last week of the transfer which means transfers are in 8 days! I can't believe this transfer is almost over. I'm very sad because my two best friends I've made out here are going home (Elder Smith and Elder Evans) I don't want them to leave! haha. But I know I'll have more good missionary friends down the road. I really hope I stay in DeSoto another transfer, but only time will tell! 
We got to eat at the Chase's again this sunday. Brother Chase is feeling sick so we gave him a blessing. I love that family! They are so Christ-like and amazing. I know they'll be blessed for how they've helped me while I've been out on my mission.
Anyway, it wasn't the most eventful week of my mission so I'm sorry the email isn't too exciting, but I love you all and hope you have a great week!
P.s. Hope choir tour was fun! Sad I missed it!

Monday, April 13, 2015

2 weeks of letters!

7 Months! 

Hello everyone! Hope all is well! Miss you all a ton!
My 7 month mark is in 4 days and I can't believe it! It's crazy to think I've been out on my mission for 7 whole months now. It definitely has started to go by faster after my 6 month mark. Hopefully time really starts to fly! This week was just another typical week in DeSoto. We played volleyball with the YSA branch (but we do that a lot). We also went on exchanges with the Irving/Grand Prairie Elders. I was with Elder Evans who has become one of my best friends out here, so we had a lot of fun! Priscilla has been reading the book of mormon and is about 1/3 of the way through 2 Nephi! She loves to read (more than she likes the new member lessons) haha. We also went to the zoo last monday and it was a BLAST! I loved going! We also got 2 new investigators this week, so it was a pretty successful week :) I hope everything is great! I hope you know that you're all in my prayers and thoughts. Keep being the incredible people you are!
Elder Needles

Easter Week

Hello everyone!
I hope y'all had an amazing Easter! It was a great week and a good Easter for me (even though it was the first Easter I wasn't with my family for) Unfortunately I was sick about half of this week. I don't know why I always get sick! But I do! haha. Nyquil has been my best friend this week. 
On Saturday, there was a blood moon and I woke up super early to see it! Then we got to watch General Conference. My favorite talk was in the first session of general conference. It was Elder Bednar's talk. I LOVED the scriptures he used. (D&C 6:36, Helaman 5:12, 2 Nephi 32:20). Before Priesthood session we went to Oak Cliff to have dinner with some YSA members (Trevor and Seth). We had chicken and waffles! It was literally a waffle, with fried chicken on top of it, with gravy on top of all of it, then syrup to top it off. IT WAS SO GOOD. Anyway, we were eating outside and some guy asked for two dollars then we contacted him. Then we went back to Seth's apartment and watched priesthood session of general conference. On sunday we went to the Walker's to watch the first session on sunday with Priscilla, Rose, and Tim. They fed us lunch and it was super good! Then for dinner we went to the Chase Family's home. I love that family. They are so great! I also found out they are related to someone I went to high school with! We hid easter eggs and watched the kids go on an easter egg hunt. It was a great way to spend Easter! I hope everything is going great for y'all! Have a great week!